Monthly Meeting
We meet the second Wednesday of each month at the Philippine Community Center. The meeting is called to order and we begin with the Pledge of Allegiance, Lions Prayer, welcome new members and celebrate that month's birthdays. We then pray over the food and enjoy dinner together. After dinner we have a guest speaker and then go over Club business.
Adopt A Street (Held Quarterly)
Meet up at the Philippine Community Center and join us as we clean on Bethany Home Road from 23rd Ave to 19th Ave. Closed toed running shoes are recommended. We will provide face masks and reflective vests for safety. Afterwards, join us for breakfast at the PCC.

Back To School Health Screening
Back to School Health Screening, we as volunteers help with the vision screening with a SPOT machine, and recently we have screened students using a color chart and depth perception chart. We also assisted in taking the blood pressures, height and weight. After August 2019, all SPOT equipment handlers will have to be certified before volunteerig in a school here in Arizona. We usually borrow a SPOT equipment from the AZ Vision and HEearing Center or sometimes the school provides them for us.
Feed My Starving Children
Feed My Starving Children is an organization that delivers food globally to children that are at
risk of sickness and worst of dying due to limited or no food, or malnourishment especially to
the children, who are our future. We help prepare the Manna packs, & have fun doing it too.
With friendly competitions of yelling out how many boxes your group has finished. We even
gather and pray for these boxes, that they will reach their destination and feed all those that
are hungry in the world. Monetary donations are always accepted.

Line Dancing
Line Dancing, our catchphrase "No to Diabetes, Yes to Line Dancing", has allowed us to support LCI Diabetes awareness. When you exercise, and with us it is line dancing, it helps
lower your blood sugar level by allowing your body to get the energy from your blood sugar
also known as glucose. With line dancing, your muscles take up much more glucose, thus lowering your blood sugar. We meet on select Fridays & before select monthly meetings.

Lions Diabetes Awareness
Diabetes Awareness, with Tour de Cure AZ of ADA and Walmart Wellness
Tour de Cure AZ volunteers are stationed in a pop-up tent along a pathway of the bikers participating in this race. We prepare their drinks and selected high energy finger foods. We hold their bicycles while they refresh, relieve and rest. For those that do not want to stop, we are cheerleaders on the side. Riders in red jerseys are diabetics and get a special, "GO RED RIDER" chant.
Walmart Wellness with ADA volunteers wears red. We pick a Walmart store, either close to your house or be with another volunteer (only 2 per store). As volunteers, we recruit shoppers to have their blood sugar check as they pass by our table. We do not perform the checking of their blood sugars. We can help fill up forms, help take their blood pressure and distribute hand-outs from the ADA (Arizona Diabetes Association).
Hikes, Strides for Diabetes, is another fun way to increase Diabetes awareness. one of the fundraising events of the Leos, during the colder months in Arizona. We support our Leos in this fundraising event to help them achieve their plans and goals for the year.
Pediatric Cancer Awareness
Pediatric cancer is the leading cause of death by disease past infancy among children.
We support organizations and programs whose missions reflect the Lion’s Club International
campaign of increasing pediatric cancer awareness.

Project C.U.R.E.
Project C.U.R.E., is revived this year 2019. As a volunteer we help sort hospital items in their proper bins that their warehouse received. (always wear gloves). We also watch a short orientation video. This is usually on a weekday from 9:00-11:00 am in Tempe, ?Arizona. Monetary donations are also accepted to help these crates reached an under-developed region in the world, that will empower doctors and nurses with the tools needed to help individuals with medical/surgical problems.
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul in Watkins allows us to be kitchen helpers. We chopped all sorts of
vegetables, crack and beat eggs, make PB & J sandwiches by the hundreds, lay chicken meats in pans and whatever tasks they need us to do. These foods we prepare are stored in refrigerated rooms, that will be available when they cook them to feed the hungry residents that goes to their dining area to eat dinner. Sometimes, we go to the warehouse and sort the donated canned goods and food items.

​Toyland at Phoenix Children's Hospital
Toyland at Phoenix Children’s Hospital is a volunteering event on the day before Christmas.
The volunteers assist family members as they go shopping in a make-up store with numerous
gifts for their sick children staying in the hospital. What is Christmas without toys for the
children? And parents don’t want to leave their sick children to get gifts on Christmas day. To
make it more accessible to the families, PCH has provided this program that will allow the
parents to purchase their gifts, but still remains close to the hospital. As volunteers, we help
wrap gifts, help them pick gifts and whatever else is needed from us.

Dream Center
The Dream Center, new for 2019. This organization assists the homeless, poor and victims of human trafficking. They provide housing, food, clothing and other resources that will improve the life of an individual seeking for help. We will do a used clothing drive and will visit their facility and assist in whatever way we can to be of service. Monetary donations are accepted.